Alex in the Media

CityLab: Lyft Launches a Legal Battle Over Driver Pay in NYC

Policy Options: Welcome to Uberland

InternetActu & LeMonde: Uberland : l’ubérisation est-elle encore l’avenir du travail ?

MIT Technology Review: Hired and Fired by Algorithm

McGill News Alumni Magazine: Exploring the Ramifications of Uberland

Inside Higher Ed: Reading ‘Uberland’ and Thinking About Contingent Faculty

Yahoo Finance: Uberland Author on Challenges Drivers Face

Wall Street Journal: ‘Ride from Hell’: Carpooling in the Age of Uber Can Be…Awkward

BBC North America: Apps and Algorithms: Who Wins In The Gig Economy?

American Management Association: Alex Rosenblat’s Favorite Manager

Majority Report with Sam Seder: Live Interview with Alex Rosenblat

New York Magazine: Next Stop, Uberland: The Onrushing Algorithmic Future of Work

The Economist: Technology May Help To Revive Organised Labour

In The Moment Podcast: Interview with Alex Rosenblat