Author: admin

The Verge: California Just Dropped A Bomb On The Gig Economy — What’s Next?

Public Books: Gig Authoritarians

Rabble.ca: Ten books on work to read for Labour Day

Global News Edmonton: Uberland in “The Ryan Jespersen Show”

CBC News: If you work for Uber or DoorDash, your boss isn’t a person but an algorithm

Washington Post: Pete Buttigieg’s status as Silicon Valley darling may complicate his gig economy crusade

CityLab: How a California Bill Could Affect Gig Work, Uber, Lyft, and Drivers

Jalopnik: We Think Uber & Lyft’s New Surge Fares Screw Drivers and Riders

Bloomberg: The Gnawing Anxiety of Having an Algorithm as a Boss

Queen’s University: Smart Surveillance Series

Future Zone: Uber-Fahrer gehen sorgfältig mit Bewertungen ihrer Passagiere um

Zeite Online: Wirst du zu schlecht bewertet, kannst du gefeuert werden

Wired: California Lawmakers Move To Protect Gig-Economy Workers

Le Point: Alex Rosenblat : « Avec Uber, le pouvoir s’est déplacé »