Author: admin

Usbek & Rica: Best of 2019 de nos (longs) entretiens autour du numérique

Washington Post: She was Instacart’s biggest cheerleader. Now she’s leading a worker revolt.

Financial Times: Uber and Airbnb earn praise for headway on customer safety

Nikkei: 「顔のない上司」への対応急務 (Japanese)

Filene Institute: Uberland

Wired: Uberland Book Review (Japanese)

Digital 19: Uberland & The Power of Tech Rhetoric

United Nations General Assembly: Uberland Speech (Video)

The Atlantic: Weekly Guide To The Best In Books

Kobe University: Technology Rhetoric & Uncertain Governance

The Rideshare Guy: What AB5 Means for the Rideshare Industry with Alex Rosenblat

The Hill: Sweeping California law shakes up gig economy

Washington Post: Uber, Lyft drivers vow to continue fight for unions despite company pushback

New Books Network: Uberland Interview (Audio)