Articles by Alex Stanford Social Innovation Review: Uber as a Symbol of the New Economy December 26, 2018February 4, 2019admin
Alex in the Media InternetActu & LeMonde: Uberland : l’ubérisation est-elle encore l’avenir du travail ? December 20, 2018February 4, 2019admin
Alex in the Media MIT Technology Review: Hired and Fired by Algorithm December 13, 2018February 4, 2019admin
Alex in the Media McGill News Alumni Magazine: Exploring the Ramifications of Uberland December 12, 2018February 4, 2019admin
Alex in the Media Inside Higher Ed: Reading ‘Uberland’ and Thinking About Contingent Faculty December 12, 2018February 4, 2019admin
Alex in the Media Yahoo Finance: Uberland Author on Challenges Drivers Face December 11, 2018December 18, 2018admin
Alex in the Media Wall Street Journal: ‘Ride from Hell’: Carpooling in the Age of Uber Can Be…Awkward December 6, 2018February 4, 2019admin